How to check installed android app in flutter?

We will be using Flutter device apps plugin to check the required app is already installed on Android device or not. To get this plugin follow this link Device Apps.

Step 1 : Paste this dependency “device_apps: ^1.0.9” in “pubspec.yaml” file of your project and save it.

Step 2 : Now go to the dart file in which you want enter the code to detect the required app is installed or not. Create a function as shown below as an example.

Step 3 : Here “com.example.myapp ” is package name of the app thru which the app will be search inside your device. After adding this code you will need to import device apps library in your dart file as shown below.

Step 4 : Now use the above mentioned function “Check” under any Button with “on tap” property. This function will give value “True” if it finds the mentioned app or value “False” if the app is not in your device as shown below.

Step 5 : Here we have received value as “true” in “DEBUG CONSOLE” which shows that the app is already installed in the device.

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Database Testing Interview Questions

Database Testing Interview Questions

Here are some Database testing interview question if a test Engineer is having understanding of all below testing questions then he/she can say himself/herself good in Database testing basics. web testing is having good scope and done by manual test engineers as well as automation test engineer. Below are some common interview questions

Before going further into web testing concept we should have knowledge of below

  • Database Basics
  • SQL
  • Normalizations
  • DDL
  • DML
  • Constraints
  • Tables
  • Schema
  • Views
  • Indexes
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • Functions
  • Privileges

Some Database testing common interview questions are as below

What is Database testing?

What are Constraints ?

What is foreign Key Constraint?

What is difference between primary key and foreign key ?

What is difference between primary key and unique key ?

What is check Constraint?

What is Transactions ? – For data consistencies , Rollback , commit, savepoint

What is the SQL injection ?

What is difference in INNODB and MYISAM?

What are joins ?

  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Equi Join
  • Self Join
  • Cross Join

What are indexes? – Created on columns to improve performance of fast data retrieval

  • B-Tree index
  • Bitmap index
  • Clustered index
  • Covering index
  • Non-unique index
  • Unique index

What are the difference between clustered and non clustered index ? There can be only 1 clustered index in a table

What is Distinct Keyword ?

What is order by clause?

what is Group By  clause?

What are loose inserts in database testing? How this can be converted to a bug ?

What are stored Procedures?

What are Functions ?

What is difference between Stored Procedures and function?

What are trigger?

What are DML ? which impacts on data like update insert delete

What are DDL ? which impacts on table structure like Create Alter drop truncate

What is DCL/ Privileges ?  – Grant Revoke

What are views ?

What is Black Box Testing ? Perform action in frontend and check backend table to validate data

What is White Box Testing? checking all the logic and data

How to test database stored procedures and triggers?

What is difference between delete and Truncate ?

What is difference between drop and Truncate ?

What is normalization?

What is Cursor ?

What are basic points to test in database testing ?

  • Database Connection
  • Constraints
  • Front end App with Database Field and its size
  • Front end Data Retrieval accuracy
  • Data Insertion
  • Stored Procedures
  • Functional flow

What is Union , Minus , Union All Intersect ?

What is composite Primary Key ?

What type of common bugs are there in database testing ?



* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

Web Testing Interview Questions

Web Testing Interview Questions

Here are some Web testing interview question if a test Engineer is having understanding of all below testing questions then he/she can say himself/herself good in web testing basics. web testing is having good scope and done by manual test engineers as well as automation test engineer. Below are some common interview questions

Before going further into web testing concept we should have knowledge of below keywords

  • Test Environmet Architecture
  • Client
  • Server
  • Browsers
  • DOM
  • Cookies
  • Sessions
  • Redirections
  • HTTP / HTTPS Protocol


What is Browser Compatibility Testing?

What is SQL Injection Testing?

What is Client Server Architecture?

What is Cookies ?

What is Sessions?

What is Difference between Cookies and Sessions?

What is the scope of web testing ? – Performance testing , load testing , environment testing , functional testing , API testing, browser compatibility testing , Security Testing , Database Testing , Usability Testing , Interface testing

Common issues in web testing ?

What is difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

Http : Hypertext Transfer Protocol – Set of rules passing information from client to Server. Uses port 80

HTTPS : Hypertext Transfer Protocol using SSL- Secure Sockets Layer – or Using TSL Transport Layer Security. Uses port 443

What is cross site Scripting ?


* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

Manual Testing Interview Questions

Manual Testing Interview Questions 

Here are some manual testing interview question if a test Engineer is having understanding of all below testing questions then he/she can say himself/herself good in manual testing basics. Manual testing is having its own scope and done by test engineers. Below are some common interview questions

What is Software Testing ?

Software testing means developed product meets the users’ requirements

What is Verification ?

There is always some standard defined for software product development by organization. So Is product  is developing as per the specifications and using the standard development processes. The process comprises the following activities:

  • Inspections
  • Reviews
  • Walk-throughs
  • Demos

What is Validation ?

We do validation on developed product to find bugs this covers below testings

  • Functional Testing
  • Non Functional Testing

What is difference between verification and validation?

What is Agile Methodology?

Agile Methodology is a software testing process that evaluates software from the customers’ point of view. In this methodology ,  development team and QA team can start together on project . There is no need that development team complete coding for starting QA. There will be requirement of continuous customer interaction.

What is Sprint?


What is Sprint Size?

What is Spill Over ?

What is Product Backlog ?

What is User Stories ?

What is Black Box Testing?

What is White Box Testing?

What is Test Plan?

What is Test Coverage ?

What is equivalence Partitioning ?

What is boundary value analysis?

What is Unit Testing?

What is Functional Testing?

What is Integration Testing?

What is System Testing?

What is UAT – User Acceptance Testing?

What is Smoke Testing?

What is Sanity Testing?

What is Regression Testing?

What is Retesting?

What is difference between Regression Testing and Retesting?

What is Performance Testing?

What is load Testing?

What is Stress Testing?

What is Data Flow Testing?

What is end to end Testing?

What is Alpha Testing?

What is Beta Testing?

What is Bug Life Cycle?

What is bug , Defect , Error ?

What is severity and priority ?

Give an example of low severity and high Priority ?

Give an example of low severity and low Priority ?

Give an example of high severity and high Priority ?

Give an example of high severity and low Priority ?

What is QA – Quality Assurance ? – We monitor process

What is QC – Quality Control ? – Process implemented by QA implemented by QC

What is bug leakage ? – when the bug is discovered by the end user/customer and missed by the testing team

what is Bug release? – when software is released with a set of known bugs

What is Monkey Testing ? – Checking behavior of software by random inputs and trying to crash application.


* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

Common Software Testing Interview Questions

Common Software Testing Interview Questions

All Test Engineer need the common questions which can be asked in interview. Below are few Interview Questions Categories

Manual Testing Interview Questions

Web Testing Interview Questions

API Testing Interview Questions

Database Testing Interview Questions

Automation Testing Interview Questions

Selenium Testing Interview Questions

Unified Functional Testing Interview Questions

Security Testing Interview Questions

Common Process Related Interview Questions


* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.