How the working copy functions (SVN Commit)

When working copy is ready we must understand how to work on it so that we get information about every modification. To learn it we go through ‘How the working copy functions’ as per below steps.

How to create working copy<< Already gone through this page >>How to add files in working folder
Step 1. Now make changes or write something new in green ticked file1 and save it, you will see a red mark on your file like below screen shot. It shows that changes have been made in the file but not saved in repository. While mark is red a ‘Diff’ option is available by right click on file1, click on TortoiseSVN and drag to Diff. You will able to see the change before and after as per another window below.

Step 2. So now right click on file1 and click on ‘SVN Commit’a window will appear as below. Press OK, new window will be shown as ‘Commit Finished’ as per screen shot down below with revision number.

How to create working copy<< Already gone through this page >>How to add files in working folder

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to create Working copy through Checkout command

Now we need a working file to work upon which must maintain previous changes and new changes in it. To know about that we start with ‘How to create working copy through checkout command’.

How to create repository<< Already gone through this page >>How working copy functions
Step 1. Now we checkout the folder to make a working copy. Right click on ‘Project’ folder and click on ‘SVN Checkout’. A window will display as below, click OK another window will display as down below which shows checkout finished and again press OK.

Step 2. A folder with a green colour tick created inside project folder as below screen shot and inside that folder you will see files as below other screen shot. Now green ticked ‘File1’ is your working copy.

How to create repository<< Already gone through this page >>How working copy functions

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to create Repository and Import the project folder

After installation we need a database where we can store our previous version and new version of file. In SVN, a Repository folder acts as a database so now we learn ‘How to create Repository’ plus we will ‘Import the project folder’ which we want to share on network.

Installing the SVN software<< Already gone through this page >>How to create working copy through Checkout command

Step 1.When you have installed Tortoise SVN software in PC, create a folder for example named as ‘svn_repos’. Right click on that folder click on ‘TortoiseSVN’, drag to ‘Create repository here’ and click on it as below.

Step 2. After clicking on ‘create repository here’ a dialog box will be displayed as below. Now click on ‘Create folder structure’ and press OK. Another box will be displayed, press OK again. Folder icon will change as below.
Folder icon changed.

Importing the project folder
Step 3. Now we import a project or work in repository. For example create a folder named as ‘Project’, inside this folder create a notepad file ‘File1’ and write something in it. Right click on folder now, select ‘TortoiseSVN’-> ‘Import’ and you will see a dialog box as below. Enter the correct address of repository folder and press ok.

Installing the SVN software<< Already gone through this page >>How to create working copy through Checkout command

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to install SVN on your computer

When a file is shared on network it might be difficult for administrator to maintain previous and newly added data on file. This problem is solved by Subversion (SVN) sytem. To know more we start with ‘How to install SVN on your computer’ as per below steps.
Already gone through this page >>How to Create repository in SVN
Step 1. Download the TortoiseSVN setup from There are 32 bit and 64 bit setups are available, choose according to your operating system. When the download is complete the setup file will look like as per screen shot below. Double click on it a new screen will be displayed and click on ‘Run’.

Step 2. When ‘Run’ is clicked a new screen will appear where you have to click on ‘Next’. On other screen again click ‘Next’.

Step 3. When screen as below appears click ‘Next’.

Step 4. Click ‘Install’ to start the installation process as per below screen shot.

Step 5. Now your setup is complete you can click ‘Finish’ now.

Already gone through this page >> How to Create repository in SVN

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to block other users from using local drive

When there are more than one user account on your computer you might want to hide your ‘private data’ on disk drive from other users. So this is possible when you apply below following steps on your personal computer.
Step 1. Open my computer by clicking on icon named ‘This PC’ as on desktop screen as below
screen shot.

Step 2. When ‘This PC’ window opens right click on the drive you want to block for a particular user and click on ‘Properties’

Step 3. A window as below will appear where you need to click on ‘Security’.

Step 4. Nowclick on ‘Edit’ button as shown below.

Step 5. Screen as below will appear, now click on ‘Add’ button.

Step 6. A new screen will appear where you are required to enter the user account name you want to block as shown below and press ‘OK’.

Step 7. Now the user account name will be displayed as below in window.

Step 8. Click on first box below ‘Deny’ as below, through which all boxes under deny will be ticked automatically then click on ‘Apply’ button and press ‘OK’. Close the disk drive window also.

Step 9. Now sign out from Administrator account and login as Raj account. When Raj account is open as below go to ‘This PC’.

Step 10. In ‘This PC’ access denied message will appear while accessing disk drive as shown below which shows that user is blocked from accessing the disk drive.

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to prepare Purchase Invoice in Nevino Erp Software

How to Prepare Purchase Invoice In Nevino Erp Software.

1. Click on Mrn Gst Menu
2. Click Add Button
3. Enter Bill No
4. Select Date
5. Select Party Name
6. Select Item Name
7. Unit,Hsn Code,Rate will populate automatically
8. Enter Quantity
9. Amount,Discount%,Discount Amount,Cess(%),Cess Amount,CGST(%),CGST Amount,SGST(%),SGST Amount,IGST(%),IGST Amount will populate automatically
10. Click On Save
11. Print will generate

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to prepare Sale Invoice in Nevino Erp Software

How to Prepare Sale Invoice In Nevino Erp Software

1. Click on Sale Gst Menu
2. Click Add Button
3. Enter Bill No
4. Select Date
5. Select Party Name
6. Select Item Name
7. Unit,Hsn Code,Rate will populate automatically
8. Enter Quantity
9. Amount,Discount%,Discount Amount,Cess(%),Cess Amount,CGST(%),CGST Amount,SGST(%),SGST Amount,IGST(%),IGST Amount will populate automatically
10. Click On Save
11. Print will generate

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

College Project for B.Tech/MCA Candidates

In this project , anyone can define multiple unit formula and can use these formula for any unit conversion. Lets take an example like 1 kilogram = 1000 grams and 1 milligram = 0.001 grams

We have defined multiple categories in this project:

  • Distance Unit Conversion Formula
  • Length Conversion  Formula
  • Weight Conversion Formula
  • Mass Conversion Formula
  • Currency Conversion Formula
  • Capacity Conversion Formula
  • Volume Conversion Formula
  • Temperature Conversion Formula
  • Area Conversion Formula
  • Energy Conversion Formula
  • Angle Conversion Formula
  • Data Storage Conversion Formula
  • Velocity Conversion Formula
  • Time Conversion Formula
  • Force Conversion Formula
  • Power Conversion Formula
  • Work Conversion Formula



  1. a) Login Page:


This form is used to Login as a Guest as well as to Login as an Administrator.

This screen is having below Controls


  • User Name : This is text box which is used to take the input from user.
  • Password :  This is text box which is used to take the input from user.
  • Enter Button :This is the button which will be used to submit the form.
  • Cancel Button : This button is used to close the form.


Snapshot of Login Form:

Below is the screen shot of login window. Which end user will use to login


  1. b) Snapshot of Login as a invalid Credential:


This screen is having below Controls


  • User Name : This is text box which is used to take the input from user.
  • Password :  This is text box which is used to take the input from user.
  • Enter Button :This is the button which will be used to submit the form.
  • Cancel Button : This button is used to close the form.
  • User entered invalid crendentials
  • User clicked on submit button
  • Message should come with proper message.


  1. c) Main Screen :

Main screen is the front interface which will be used for all type of activities. As all controls is given on this screen.

How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Main screen is having below controls
    • Add
      • Add User : User can use this link to create new users
      • Add Unit : User can use this screen to create new unit
      • Add Conversion Rate : Here user can define formulas to convert one unit to another
    • Unit Converter : This screen will show the result based on unit input .
    • Exit : This menu is used to exit from application


  1. C) Sanpshot of Add New User


This form is used to create Add new user


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add user
  • Manage user screen will open with
    • User ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each user
    • User Name : Used to create the user name
    • Password : Used to create password
    • Confirm Password  : used to reconfirm password


Snapshot of user Name and password blank:


This form is used to create Add new user


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add user
  • Manage user screen will open with
    • User ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each user
    • User Name : Used to create the user name
    • Password : Used to create password
    • Confirm Password  : used to reconfirm password
  • Click on save button
  • Message “User Name can not be blank” will be populated


Snapshot of  password blank:


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add user
  • Manage user screen will open with
    • User ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each user
    • User Name : Used to create the user name
    • Password : Used to create password
    • Confirm Password  : used to reconfirm password
  • Leave password field blank
  • Click on save button
  • Message “Password can not be blank” will be populated


Snapshot of password is mismatch:


This form is used to create Add new user


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add user
  • Manage user screen will open with
    • User ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each user
    • User Name : Used to create the user name
    • Password : Used to create password
    • Confirm Password  : used to reconfirm password
  • Enter mismatched password and confirm Password
  • Click on save button
  • Message “Please enter the same password and confirm password” will be populated


Snapshot of only password save:


This form is used to create Add new user


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add user
  • Manage user screen will open with
    • User ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each user
    • User Name : Used to create the user name
    • Password : Used to create password
    • Confirm Password  : used to reconfirm password
  • Leave password and confirm Password fields
  • Click on save button
  • Message “Please enter the same password and confirm password” will be populated


Snapshot of user name successfully generated:


This form is used to create Add new user


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add user
  • Manage user screen will open with
    • User ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each user
    • User Name : Used to create the user name
    • Password : Used to create password
    • Confirm Password  : used to reconfirm password
  • Enter Username
  • Enter Password
  • Enter Matched confirm Password (same value as password field)
  • Click on save button
  • Message “New User Record generated successfully” will be populated



  1. c) Snapshot of Unit Entry Screen:

This form is used to create new Unit  into the database.


This form is used to create Add new user


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add Unit
  • Unit Master screen will open with
    • Unit ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each unit
    • Unit Name : Used to create the unit name
  • Enter mismatched password and confirm Password
  • Click on save button
  • Message “Please enter the same password and confirm password” will be populated


Snapshot of of Unit  name is blank:


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add Unit
  • Unit Master screen will open with
    • Unit ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each unit
    • Unit Name : Used to create the unit name
  • Leave unit name blank
  • Click on save button
  • Message “Unit values can not be blank” will be populated


Snapshot of successfully created unit screen:


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add Unit
  • Unit Master screen will open with
    • Unit ID : will be automatically created and will be unique for each unit
    • Unit Name : Used to create the unit name
  • Enter Unit Name
  • Click on save button
  • Message “New Unit create successfully” will be populated


Snapshot of Unit Conversion rate:

How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add Conversion Rate
  • Define Conversion Rate screen will open with
    • From Unit : used to select from unit for conversion
    • To Unit : used to select to unit for conversion
    • Value : Used to fill conversion rate


Snapshot of Unit Conversion blank:


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add Conversion Rate
  • Define Conversion Rate screen will open with
    • From Unit : used to select from unit for conversion
    • To Unit : used to select to unit for conversion
    • Value : Used to fill conversion rate
  • Leave blank value field
  • Click on save button
  • Message “Value should not be blank” will be populated


Snapshot of unit can’t be the same:


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add Conversion Rate
  • Define Conversion Rate screen will open with
    • From Unit : used to select from unit for conversion
    • To Unit : used to select to unit for conversion
    • Value : Used to fill conversion rate
  • Entr blank value field
  • Select same unit in both unit fields
  • Click on save button
  • Message “From Unit and To Unit should not be same” will be populated


Snapshot of unit is already define:


How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on add Conversion Rate
  • Define Conversion Rate screen will open with
    • From Unit : used to select from unit for conversion
    • To Unit : used to select to unit for conversion
    • Value : Used to fill conversion rate
  • Select from unit : grams
  • Select to unit  : kgs
  • Enter conversion rate .1000
  • Click on save button
  • Conversion must be saved
  • Select from unit : grams
  • Select to unit  : kgs
  • Enter conversion rate .1000
  • Click on save button
  • Message “Conversion rate is already defined for this combination” will be populated


  1. o) Unit Converter:

The main module of this Project, which is accessible by both Admin as well as Guest. This Module Works in order to covert a value of a particular unit to another unit under same category.


Snapshot of Unit Converter:

How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on Unit Converter
  • Conversion of Units will be opened with below controls
    • From Unit : Qty will be linked with this “from unit” field
    • To Unit : Result will come in this unit “to unit” field
    • From Value : Text field is used to for from value field   
    • Result : Conversion result will automatically come here on click of convert button
  • Select from unit : Kgs
  • Select to unit  : gms
  • Enter From Value 1
  • Click on convert button
  • Result  will be populated automatically 1000
  • So in above example 10Kgs will be equal to 1000 gms


Snapshot of unit converter after converted the unit:


Snapshot of Unit Converter:

How to open this screen. Follow below steps


  • Open Sign in form
  • Enter Correct Username
  • Enter Correct Password
  • Click on Enter Button
  • Next screen will be main screen
  • Click on Unit Converter
  • Conversion of Units will be opened with below controls
    • From Unit : Qty will be linked with this “from unit” field
    • To Unit : Result will come in this unit “to unit” field
    • From Value : Text field is used to for from value field   
    • Result : Conversion result will automatically come here on click of convert button
  • Select from unit : Kgs
  • Select to unit  : gms
  • Leave From Value blank
  • Click on convert button
  • Message will be populated “From Value can not be blank”

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.