Diagnostics Lab software which is having all necessary features required for lab. Lot of software are available in market but we found this one as best one. This software is easy to use and can be handled.
Diagnostic Lab common Work Flow
- Doctor Prescribe the patient
- Doctor may ask for the particular lab for test report
- Patient go to lab
- lab owner will see the prescription
- he will take samples
- lab candidate will take the payment and print the slip and provide it to patient
- Lab owner will ask patient to come again for report
- Patient will come again and will take the report
- Patient then show the report to the doctor
Diagnostic Lab Software Features
- How many patients visits lab for particular day
- How many patients visits lab within date range
- Daily collection report
- pending balance report
- Maintain complete history of patient
- Can provide the preious report to patient any time.
- How many patients has been referred by particular doctor.
- Add any test at any time
- All results Report will be generated with bold values
Diagnostic LabSoftware Detailed Functionality
- Doctor Module
- Add Doctor Facility
- Edit Doctor Facility
- Approve Doctor Facility
- Un-Approve Doctor Facility
- Head Part Dynamic
- Add head
- Edit Head
- Approve Head
- UnApprove Head
- Category Part Dynamic
- Add Category : Can define multiple categories in single head
- Edit Category
- Approve Category
- Un-approve Category
- Test Part Dynamic with
- Test add facility- can define multiple tests in single category
- Value Based Test (i.e. in the range given)
- Non Value Based Test (i.e. No range required)
- Prices of different tests
- Test Edit Facility
- Test Approve Facility
- Test Un-approve Facility
- Category Sorting Options
- User can change the order of categories as per his requirements
- Test Sorting Options
- User can change the order of Tests as per his requirements
- SMS Configuration
- SMS will be configured as per the requirement
- Internet connection will be required for this feature
- How to fill result into Nevino Lab Software
- Booking Module
- Add Booking
- Edit Booking
- Payment Receipt
- Patient Reports
- Complete result report without summary
- Category wise report
- Complete result report with summary
- Category wise report with summary
- Patient Management
- Patient History
- Patient Records
- Patient Test History
- Auto calculation for few tests
- Amount Management
- Change Password
- Reports:
- Patient Detail (All)
- Patient Detail (Doctor wise)
- Cash Collection (Doctor wise)
- Total Daily Cash Collection
- Patient Detail with tests
- Test Report Category Wise
- Search Patient Reports By
- Date wise
- Name wise
- Mobile Wise
- Address wise
- Test results which are not in normal range will come in bold
* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.