How to solve Mobile Network problem

How to solve Mobile Network problem? Weak signal strength and out of coverage area are the daily problems we face every day but every time we blame mobile operator companies for this and never understand our own mobile is also responsible for this problem. So here we will understand how we can sort out this problem ourself.

  • Try to change the Network type by going to: Settings >> More >> Cellular networks >> Preferred network type >> Select a different network type. Hopefully, now you can see increased signal strength.
  • Try to Restart your Phone. It happens mostly with Smartphones that if you restart them, then after restart Smartphone works perfectly.
  • Insert the Sim again in the phone by switching off your mobile, take out the sim and insert it again in Sim Slot Area and start your mobile again. In many cases this type of move has always works.
  • When you are in Roaming and you want to use Internet data then please choose the data roaming option by going to: Settings >> More >> Cellular Networks >> Enable Data Roaming option.
  • If you know where your Mobile’s Antenna is located in mobile, then please remove your hand grip from that area so that network can be received on your mobile. It mostly happens when you are receiving weak signal from tower.
  • If you are using a Mobile cover then please remove it for a while and start searching for network. As soon as you get network you can put the mobile cover back on mobile.
  • When you have applied all methods mentioned above and still you are facing mobile network issue then at last you must Reset your mobile because there might be a software glitch in your mobile which is resisting your mobile from receiving signals. To Reset your mobile, go to: Settings >> Backup & reset >> Factory data reset >> Reset device

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to install VM Virtual Box

My friends asked me many times ‘How to install VM Virtual Box?’. So, here are all the details about installing virtual machine in your computer. Please follow below steps to know more.

Step 1. When you have downloaded the setup file of virtual box right click on the file and then click on ‘Run as administrator’ as shown in below image. Also explained in our previous blog about how to download virtual box.

Step 2. Click on next when the window as below will appear on screen.

Step 3. On the click of ‘Next’ a new window appears now again click on ‘Next’.


Step 4. On below window choose your preferred options and click on ‘Next’.

Step 5. Next window will ask you about proceeding with installation so click on ‘Yes’ as shown in below image.

Step 6. This is the final window click on ‘Install’ button as shown in below image which will start the installation process of virtual box.

Step 7. When the installation completes a new window as below will appear which shows virtual box is installed on your computer.

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to download VM Virtual Box

In this blog we will learn that how we can download VM Virtual Box. What is Virtual Box? Oracle VM Virtual Box is software in which you can install any operating system. Let’s make it easy to understand for example, you have Windows 10 operating system installed on your laptop and when you install vm virtual box you can install Ubuntu operating system of Linux version in your computer which will run inside windows 10. Here VM means Virtual Machine and it will be explained in detail in coming topics. Now let’s start with download steps.

Step 1. Click on the following link to reach virtual box website download page

Step 2. You will find the web page as below.

Step 3. Now choose your preferred platform package from given four packages. For example, we have Windows 10 installed on our computer so we click on ‘Windows hosts’ which will in return start the downloading of virtual box setup file.

Step 4. When the download completes the file will look like as shown below.

Step 5. Now the file is ready to install the Virtual Box on your computer. Please follow the given link to know How to install Virtual Box.

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to block ports in Ubuntu 16.04 Firewall

To safeguard your computer from being hacked, you can block ports of Operating System Linux Ubuntu through its Firewall. You can allow only required ports and block rest of all. To do the same below steps can be followed.
Step 1.Start your computer installed with Linux Ubuntu operating system. When you reached below screen click on first icon i.e. ‘Search button’.

Step 2.Firewall configuration icon will be shown. Click on it, an authentication window will appear asking to enter password. When password is typed press enter key.

Step 3.Now Firewall window is open as below image.

Step 4.There are three types of profile in it namely Home, Public and Office. Set two out of three profile as status ‘off’. For example: Home is your selected profile with status ‘On’.


Step 5.Select the incoming and outgoing value as ‘Deny’ as below image. This step will block all the ports of your computer.

Step 6.As our all ports are blocked now we can allow any port to work upon by using the ‘Rules’ in Ubuntu firewall. So now we learn how to use the ‘Rules’. Just click on Rules a window will appear as below. Click on plus icon ‘+’.

Step 7.Add rule window as below screen shot will appear. Select ‘Simple’ and Policy as ‘Allow’.

Step 8.Select Direction as ‘Both’ and enter port number for example as ‘1245’. Click on ‘Add’ button and rule will be created.

Step 9.Now ‘1245’ port number is open which you can see as below screen shot.

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

Blocking the ports with COMODO Firewall

Step 1. As now Installation process completes a COMODO firewall widget window will appear on the right side of your desktop as per below image.

Step 2. Now double click on the window where ‘Secure’ is written. A new window will appear as below.

Step 3. Click on ‘Settings’ appearing on top of window then a new window will appear as below.

Step 4. This is the main setting window where you can check all the settings of Comodo Firewall. Now moving forward for blocking the ports click on ‘Firewall’, you will find window as below where all subheadings of firewall are open.

Step 5. Now click on Global Rules, you will see some pre-defined rules by Comodo Firewall with ‘Allow’ and ‘Block’ specification as below window. Firewall use these rules in different scenarios as specified.

Step 6. We now add a new rule to block the port. For example, if we want to allow only one port i.e. 8080 and block all other ports. Firstly we will click on ‘ADD’ then a window will appear as below.

Step 7. Click the drop down list in front of ‘Action’ where we select ‘Block’ and then click on ‘Destination Port’ as below.

Step 8. Now click the drop down list below where ‘Any’ is displayed and select ‘A Port Range’. Enter the Start Port as ‘0’, End Port as ‘8079’ and click OK. Please refer the image below.

Step 9. A rule will be formed as below.

Step 10. Click again on ‘Add’ button as we need another rule. We will just change the port range now and rest of the process will be same as above. Port Range will be Start Port as ‘8081’ and End Port as ‘65535’. Refer the image below.

Step 11. Again a second rule will be formed as below. Press OK down below to save the changes. So now all the ports of your computer are blocked except the ‘8080’ number port.

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.

How to install Comodo Firewall in PC

Security of your computer from being hacked through Internet is of utmost important. So if we able to block computer ports then it will inaccessible for any unwanted intruder. Now we going to learn that how we can block all ports though ‘Comodo’ firewall. Here we start with the Installation process of Comodo Firewall.
Step 1. Download Comodo firewall setup from as ‘Free Firewall Download’ as per below screen shot.

Step 2. Setup file will be shown as below of size 5.1 Mb as below if you are a Chrome Web Browser User.

Step 3. By clicking on the downloaded file a window will appear as below, now click on Run.

Step 4. A window asking for next step of installation will be shown as below where you have to click ‘I AGREE’.

Step 5. Click ‘Next’ as below screen shot after you specify whether you like Yahoo as your Home Page or not by tick or untick inside the selection box.

Step 6. Again click ‘Next’ when below screen appears. [It will be better if we don’t untick any below option]

Step 7. Now click ‘Install’ as per below image which will initiate the installation. When the installation completes, it will ask to restart the computer and that we must follow to complete the process.

* The Content stated above is for informational purpose only. Expert Software Team is not responsible if any part of content found meaningless in any manner or condition.